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Oxbridge Taster Day

8 August 2023
Oxbridge Taster Day

Dr Mary Marshall, Director of Undergraduate Studies and Outreach in the Faculty of Theology and Religion at Oxford, joined forces with the Senior Provost to convene our Oxbridge Taster Day. We wanted to put the idea of a Theology degree on to the radars of our ablest pupils, and to instil in them some enthusiasm for what is a stimulating (and marketable) academic discipline.

Oxford wants to hear from our pupils – especially those in the maintained sector. What’s more, the admissions statistics are very much in the applicant’s favour.

  Admissions in 2022 Offers in 2022 Offer rate
Computer Science 875 53 6.1%
Law 1806 203 11.2%
PPE 1997 268 13.4%
Theology & Philosophy 113 48 42.5%

Theology is an ancient intellectual discipline, with continuing and momentous social significance around the world today. An undergraduate will gain an understanding of the intellectual underpinning of religious traditions and study the social and cultural contexts for religious belief and practice. This ‘Queen of the Sciences’ will train students to become something of a historian, a philosopher, a textual and literary critic, a linguist … and much more.

Theology at Oxford allows you to study, among other things, the five major world religions and their primary languages; the relationship between religion and science; the philosophy of religion; and the place of religious ethics in public life.

Typically, Theology graduates go on to careers in Government and the Public Sector; Finance; Commerce; Journalism; Education; the Charity Sector; and Ministry.

The day was a great success. Huge thanks is due to Dr Lyshia Whitworth at Crompton House, and to the Head, Karl Newell. We intend to run the event again in other parts of the country, and with other universities, in 2024.

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Woodard Overseas

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